Start the application

yarn start or npm run start

This command executes a local deployment of your Magento 2 application. It does it in the following steps:

  1. Prepare your project for Magento 2.

  2. Pull PHP, Varnish, MariaDB, ElasticSearch, Nginx and Redis images

  3. Build project image

  4. Deploy containers: PHP, Varnish, Redis, MariaDB, ElasticSearch, Nginx and SSL Terminator Nginx container.

  5. Install Magento 2 using Composer.

  6. Setup Magento 2.

  7. Open a browser with up and running Magento 2 store.

Command options

-p, --port

A port to run your application on.

By default, Create Magento App will select a random available port.

yarn start --port <port> # for Yarn
npm run start -- --port <port> # for NPM

-n, --no-open

Disable auto-open of a browser window at the end of the workflow.

yarn start --no-open # for Yarn
npm run start -- --no-open # for NPM

-d, --debug

Enable XDebug for debugging PHP.

yarn start --debug # for Yarn
npm run start -- --debug # for NPM

-s, --skip-setup

Skips Magento setup.

Skipping Magento setup might result in conflict during runtime because Magento config will not be updated with a new port config. This option can be used only if you 100% sure that the ports configuration is the same.

In a nutshell, this option enables start command will just restart services and PHP-FPM, so if you need to restart the project it can be done in under 10 seconds*.

yarn start --skip-setup # for Yarn
npm run start -- --skip-setup # for NPM


Pull Container Images.

This is used for updating container images.

yarn start --pull-images # for Yarn
npm run start -- --pull-images # for NPM


Reset global configuration for current CMA instance.

This will reset configuration that is set for some prompts that appears during setup.

yarn start --reset-global-config # for Yarn
npm run start -- --reset-global-config # for NPM

-v, --verbose

Since magento-scripts@1.8.0

This option will enable printing of logs from Magento installation, setup and upgrade tasks.

yarn start --verbose # for Yarn
npm run start -- --verbose # for NPM

Usage example

yarn start # for Yarn
npm start # for NPM

Last updated

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